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Creating the Heritage Professionals of Tomorrow

At Willowbank, we believe that places are richer for their diversity and we embrace this complexity. We believe heritage plays a pivotal role in creating a sustainable future. From its historic campus in Queenston, Ontario, Willowbank is pioneering an ecological approach to heritage conservation and renewal. Through our School, Willowbank offers a three-year Diploma in Heritage Conservation and is developing an innovative way of thinking about the past, in order to create a more sustainable future.

Students on porch

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Our three-year Heritage Conservation Diploma balances theory with hands-on skills, and embraces the interconnections of our built, natural and cultural resources. Willowbank's ecological approach represents a powerful response to today's environmental and social challenges. Set within 13 acres at one of Canada’s National Historic Sites, its 1834 Greek Revival Mansion and 10,000 year-old portage route represent more than an architectural and cultural asset; they are a living case study for students of the School and a compelling backdrop for our dynamic programming. It is also home for the evolution, development and expression of our innovative approach, taught by experienced craftspeople, historians, architects, heritage contractors, archeologists, artisans and landscape architects. 

We explore the conservation of both natural and cultural resources. We don’t shy away from adding sensitive contemporary layers. It is about continuity between past, present and future. We are committed to richly-layered places and richly-layered communities. 

The future of heritage is being shaped by our graduates. With an employment rate well above 95%, our graduates continue to grow their impact across a range of careers, from design firms to skilled trades to community development.

Willowbank School
Willowbank is devoted to the shift towards a more ecological, sustainable approach... My aim is to support and encourage these kinds of approaches.

HRH THE PRINCE OF WALES Royal Patron of Willowbank since 2014

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