Through hard work and dedication, Lou Sahanatien Haulage has evolved into a fully equipped heavy equipment operation. Serving Muskoka, Parry Sound, Georgian Bay and surrounding areas, we have gained experience to meet the varying needs of our many customers.
Whether you are planning your cottage or home work projects, Lou Sahanatien Haulage has the expertise to handle even your biggest project. We take pride in our work. Please find below a list of many services we have available to you. If there is something additional that you need please feel free to give us a call.
Scott Sahanatien
We have a fully stocked retail yard with granite stone landscape products (3″ flagstone & 4-6’stone stair treds) located at 2070 Muskoka Rd. 38 (across from What a Convenience Gas)
Sahanatien Haulage is a 100% Aboriginally owned company founded by Louis Sahanatien and has been successfully operating in Muskoka for over 50 years. The company has since been incorporated into what is now Lou Sahanatien Haulage and is currently under the direction and supervision of son Scott Sahanatien. This family run company is reliable in workmanship, accountability, and customer service. The company’s keen awareness of the environmentally sensitive nature of your landscape will assist you in every aspect of your planning to ensure the preservation of the surrounding area.