Welcome to Accuscreen Supplies Inc. the innovative leader in the screen print industry. close

Welcome to Accuscreen Supplies Inc.

Your one stop for all your printing needs.

416 -751-1630

Visit us at our new location at 80 Nashdene Road, Building F, Unit 131  Scarborough, ON  M1V 5E4

Established in 1987, Accuscreen Supplies Inc. has been and remains an innovative leader in the screen print industry. Accuscreen provides quality screen making, supplies, complete graphic design, production artwork and prepress services for any screen print application. We do all this while maintaining the personal touch that has always set Accuscreen apart from the rest.

Mission Statement:

To supply the best products, services and creative solutions possible. To stay on the cutting edge of the screen print industry with complete attention to consistency and detail.

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