Warning do not give this guy your pc he will damage it! Purposly ! To make money off you he broke a brand new laptop stole a ram, so now I have brand new laptop that is destroyed laptop ! Jim you owe me brand new laptop bud ! >=/
I was sure to have lost the use of my 9 years old Dell computer but I took a chance and brought it to Jim Blackburn of PC Fixr. Within 24 hours Jim was able to resurect it at a very reasonable price. Congratulations Jim.
I took my 6 year old PC in at the beginning of January 2011. It kept shutting down on its own. Picked it up at PC Fixr on Jan 9/11. Was charged $170 for computer tune up and additional memory. It worked alright for 2 weeks then started shutting down on its own again. I took it back and was told it needed a new power supply. They would not refund the $170, only $30 for the memory cards they took back. It ended up I paid them $140 for a job that was not required on my PC. Very disappointed in their services. Won't go back again.